Frequently Asked Questions

Do you accept insurance?

Significant time is needed in order to provide a comprehensive evaluation of your health. This simply cannot be accomplished in a 10-15 minute appointment. (which is what insurance-based practices provide)

In order to identify and address the chronic symptoms and disease, Dr. Harding does not participate with insurance.

Payment in full is due at the time of service in the form of cash, check, credit card, HSA card or Flexible Spending Account. Medicare or Medicaid are NOT accepted.

A superbill with appropriate codes will be given at check out if a patient wishes to submit the charges for possible out of network reimbursement. There is no guarantee that insurance will provide any reimbursement.

Are you a primary care provider?

Think of Dr. Harding as a medical consultant. She does not provide primary care services. All patients are required to have their own primary care physician for routine health screenings and acute medical issues. She does not take call or provide urgent/emergent care.

Do you treat my condition?

We frequently receive calls wondering if we treat certain conditions. Since Functional Medicine looks at the entire body, we don’t focus on any certain diagnosis but on what symptoms are going on.

However, we do specify that Dr. Harding does not treat Lyme disease, do chelation therapy, or manage female hormone therapy.  All patients are screened prior to scheduling to ensure that they are a good candidate for this type of care.

How long will it take?

The ultimate goal is to give patients the expertise, support, and knowledge they need to get well and stay well. Most patients work with Dr. Harding for an average of 9 – 12 months, and then they consider doing a maintenance appointment annually to stay on track. Obviously, the needs of each patient are different and she tailors the program accordingly.

How do payments work?

You can use HSA card, flexible spending accounts, cash, credit cards, or checks to pay for your appointment. Payment is due at the time of service. Pricing can be found on the Pricing Page.